Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Story so far

Hi, I'm Brooke.  Brooke Grant.  I'd like to introduce you to my story so far.

This is me, your typical teenager. Interested in boys, gossip, music and art. Not necessarily in that order.

Dad says I'm a lot like my mom. Her name was River McIrish before she married Dad.  I wish I remembered her but she died when I was still a baby. She caught on fire at my first birthday party
and died.

I kind of remember Dad being really sad for a while
but he eventually managed to move on. I was just too young to know there was anything to be sad about.

So now I have a step-mom and a baby brother

Oh, all right, he's not really THAT much of a baby now.
His full name is John Edward but Dad calls him Johnny. Unless Dad is mad, then the full John Edward Grant rings out through the house. My twerpy little brother.

Art flows through the family. Dad is a writer.

Mom loved to paint. She was working on this the day she died.
Dad has kept it even though she never finished.

Even my step-mom is artistic. She loves to paint and play guitar.

I haven't really tried writing yet. But I love painting
And Dad bought me a guitar so I can learn music too. Dad is encouraging me to be an artist of some description, he says it's the family tradition.

So I've covered my interest in art and music. Gossip is just a given. But boys, I have just discovered boys. In particular, Hans Cusack-Montgomery.
We got to be friends in school and I suddenly felt that this was one boy I wanted to kiss.  So we met in the park and flirted for a bit.  I could tell that he liked me, I wonder if he's just been too shy to talk to me.
He's good at this.  Does he feels the same way about me?  It was getting dark, I decided I better head for home.  I wonder if he'll get on with Dad?  I hope so, I really hope so.


  1. *jumps up and down while screaming and clapping hands*
    I luvs you PiB!!!
    This is so great and I still say Brooke is just beautiful and her "twerpy' little brother is so handsome. He looks so much like Sammy.
    That's ok Johnny. All big sisters think little brothers are twerps. :D
    Ooooh, Hans is cute. ;)
    I hope daddy likes him too.
    If dad doesn't... watch out.

    I think PiB has been visiting my neck of the woods. "over yonder" :D

    Darn, I wish I didn't have to leave now. You just made my day.

  2. :) BTW - no automatic email of posts and no automatic email of comments without requests. Ask and ye shall receive

  3. *submit request for automatic stuffs*

    Brooke reminds me of someone I know in real life. John is the spitting image of Sam.

    I like Hans' hair. That bright red really stands out. You'll never wonder what sim that is in the pics.

  4. Before I forget again, Brooke has found that Hans is a virtuoso, genius and handy. We haven't found his last trait yet.

    Don't know if this story is one that I'll stay with or not but that's always true of these Sim blogs anyway.

  5. Just in case you do continue with this one: automatic update me!.......as chrysame says, please and thank you.

  6. yep, Dee and Chrysame are on the lists. No one else, who knows how this will go. Probably at least one more update though - how will Hans get on with Sam? Sam would be careful about any potential boyfriend and I can't see Brooke doing much without Dad's approval.

  7. So are you both getting your comments now?

  8. Yep, getting comments now. Double comments. I'm unsubscribing so I will only receive 1.
    It all depends on dad.

  9. Great start! Sad about River though. :(

  10. Thanks Berry. I don't think you've been to visit the Hi Mum, it's Sammy blog yet (or left no comments) or you'd notice that it's a recap of the last Sam story.

    River's death was sad and completely unexpected. That night, they had a burglar. I'd never seen such a red plumbbob as poor Sam had after those two events.

  11. Just getting started. It may take me awhile to catch up but I will eventually!

  12. Hey welcome! Have fun catching up. :)
