Saturday, September 25, 2010

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.

 Poor Picasso had a rude awakening in the morning. Leonardo started crying because he was lonely and had a dirty diaper.

 After our move, the kids are currently sharing a single bedroom. Certainly not ideal from the point of a teenage boy who suddenly has to share with his little sister and brother. Still, once Picasso was up, he changed and cuddled Leonardo on his own.

I'm sure his little brother appreciated the attention.

 This is the reason the kids are sharing a room. Our first house extension went to adding an art room to the house. A couple of easels plus

 a design table for Picasso. He wants to go into architectural design when he leaves school. With this set up, he can develop some style early.

 Hans decided it was time for Lizzy to learn to walk. While he was teaching her.

 I took my guitar and Leonardo to the park. It was very quiet for a weekend, barely a soul around.

 Picasso took a break from drawing to meet with Rosa from school. He was hoping to make her his friend, just a friend - he was very clear on that.

 He had a good afternoon and Rosa is now his friend. It's good for them to make new friends.

I decided to take a break from the kids and the guitar. I'm brushing up on other skills in the library.


  1. Cool. I see the family is still artistic. Wouldn't seem right if they weren't considering tha name of this blog. :)
    That was really sweet of Picasso to take care of little Leonardo.

  2. Yes, the family has to stay artistic. Though I have to look into possible employment related to art for either Hans or Brooke, or remember to make them complete at least one small painting per day. :) Their finances are slowly sliding backward at the moment.

    John Edward is doing better with money but he is completing sculptures and Alaina has a regular job.

  3. That drafting table must mean a lot to Picasso if he's willing to put up with sharing a room with a toddler and a baby. Teens will adapt when necessary.

    Rosa is a cute little sim. Always nice to see our simmies making friends.

  4. Now let's take "willing to put up with" and transform it to the more appropriate "the only bed in the house he can use so he ends up with" ... lol.

    Fortunately he is adaptable and even in the previous house, he was quite willing to tend babies on his own. Both Lizzy and Catherine.

    Rosa was a lot cuter after I hit her with stylist. Her default clothes didn't do much for her. :)

    Oh, and I've just started using Twallan's Relativity and it's very nice to set time to flow slower. Gives my Sims a chance to cook food and eat it in a reasonable time frame.

  5. A nice bouncy seat or pram would be so nice when taking an infant to a public place.

    BTW, I have three Dr. Pepper codes. Does anyone still have things on that site that they want? Let me know and I'll slide a code over to you.

  6. I so agree.

    I stiil have a code when I ever get around to drinking the soda. Pib can't get Dr. Pepper where she lives. Surely there is something else on the site that she would like to have.

  7. It would be good if they could take the baby to the park and not put it on the ground. Good thing that isn't something the cop cared about. :)

    I'm sure I can find another prize or two if no one else needs the codes.

    Next update - phillip or sam...

  8. I'll send you a code, Pib.

    Yay for updates!

  9. Next update? Either one but I must say my curiousity is killing me regarding the Sammy story.

  10. I have to go forth and find another few pics for sammy. Phillip is a bit more ready.

    Then again, if I get those few more pics...I can alternate. Don't want anyone to overdose on Sammy. :)

  11. Overdose on Sammy? You must be kidding. I could never overdose on Sammy.
    BTW, he and his family are in BB now. They needed a large house so they got the very large, very modern one. I think Chrysame posted a pic the other night.

  12. :) That's right, you grabbed Indiana Sam and his house full of kids. Say hi to them for me.

  13. I'll be sure to tell them you said hi. Since I don't have WA they landed in my game dressed different, sooooo, I dressed them.
    I also had to redress the Kane family and a couple others.

    I spent so many hours with all those sims that I just dressed them normal.

  14. They won't mind. I don't think I ever did get the official store content you used on Ben so he is in the Sim bin with that red/white checked shirt. :)

  15. I'm trying to remember what that was. Just remembered. When you wake up you should have it.

  16. I had to chuckle at the photo in the park, with Leonardo the baby laying on the ground. ;D I really wish they had some sort of portable baby-holder-thingy when you take your baby out on the town.

    Stinks (a bit literally!) that Picasso has to share his room with the babies. Glad he met a new friend, she seems quite pretty. :) Though, he's not interested in her as a girlfriend, I suppose. Still plenty of time left for him. ;)

    Get someone to the max painting skill, sell all their paintings at the consignment store, and they'll never have money problems again. ;D especially with relativity. I do not joke when I say Meredith was pulling in 20,000 simoleans a day, some days, before I got her into architecture. No idea who in Twinbrook has that kind of money to be buying those... -_- Painting is a stupidly huge cash cow.

  17. Yes, she's not my first musician to play for tips with some poor baby lying on the ground.

    Poor Picasso, has to share, at least for a little. I'm wondering if now that Rosa is his friend, will he want it to go further. Brooke knew Hans was hers from about Picasso's age. :)

    I guess it is to the easel with Hans and Brooke and get those skills up.

    I do know that Phillip can make an fair amount of cash with his photography and the consignment shop. :)
