Saturday, April 9, 2011

There was one who was famed for the number of things He forgot when he entered the ship:

My dad and his new wife - my new step-mom.

I was wondering when Dad was going to decide to have a talk about his new wife and the baby. Apparently it's today.

Kitten, do you have time for a chat?

Yes, Dad, there's some time before school.

Kitten, you might have noticed by now. Shannon and I are expecting a baby. You are going to have a little brother or sister soon.

I had noticed, Dad. She is showing a bit.

I wanted you to know that when the baby comes, if you want to stay with your mom or your aunt, you certainly can.

I wouldn't want to stay with mom. That red head guy she lives with seems ok but some of her other suitors aren't nice. There's one that insists I call him dad. There's one that insists I call him Mr. They mostly treat me like I'm a baby and I hate that.

Well, if you want to stay with your Aunt Brooke and cousin Lizzie, just let us know. Your Aunt Brooke knows exactly how annoying a baby is. Just ask her. In the meantime, could you be nice to your new step-mom?

Sure Dad, I can do that. And I'll think about if I should visit someone when the baby comes.

So I started making more of an effort to get to know my step-mom. Shannon has made Dad so happy. Mom made him so miserable.

While we were getting to know each other, Dad tried hard not to burn the pancakes.

Shannon let me feel her tummy.

I could feel the baby move. I really will have a baby brother or sister soon.

While I went to school, Dad and Shannon shared breakfast.

Dad spent much of the day playing for tips in the park. Aunt Brooke, Uncle Hans and Picasso all happened by.

His playing was much approved, he earned a few hundred Simoleons for a morning of playing.

Picasso was dancing with someone random.

Hey guys give yourself some personal space.

Dad decided to throw a party for me and my best friend Clayton Leman. He bought birthday cakes for both of us.

So I stepped up to one cake.

And Clayton stepped up to the other.

Clayton, goodness, isn't he a handsome teen?

Then it was my turn.

Clayton, what a handsome boy. I kissed him.


Yeah, Clayton changed from black hair to his dad's hair, which matches his brothers. :) His hair was pink like his mom originally. Carrot hair suits better.


  1. Ooh, she got her first kiss. How sweet!

    Clayton is a handsome boy too, I agree.

    I'm glad she's doing fine and has good relationships with Shannon -her new mom, her real mom, and almost everyone :)

    It's a very lovely update. And I've just noticed his tattoos :)

  2. Haha, they certainly don't waste time... *ageup* *kiss!*

    I was surprised to see an update here! But nice to see. The family's looking good.

    Was also a bit surprised to start reading and see it was from Katherine's point of view--was confused for the first few lines! But she sure grew up into a cute young lady.

    I'm also glad to see she's making an effort to get to know her stepmom. That's good!

  3. @MJ, Yep, first kiss is always sweet and Clayton is one of several handsome sons in his family.

    She doesn't have much relationship at all with Shannon yet. But since her dad is so happy, she will start trying a bit harder. She still doesn't have a good relationship with her mom, especially not with the revolving door of men in and out.

    Thanks for popping by.

    @Kaleeko I don't know if they'll go any further with each other, but at least the gender preferences are set.

    Two changes in this blog - Catherine is our new narrator and there will be no switching over to Brooke. And this blog may have relatively long pauses between each update.

    Still, I want to eventually find out how Shannon and Johnny's baby turns out. He should be very handsome, Shannon's sons with Grant men always are. I put Thomas Leman, Zayne Hunter Leman and their three kids in this hood to finally grow those boys up and I really don't have any other hoods to do that in. Plus I'm finally over the 'no one reads this blog' snit, it doesn't matter that no one does.

    So there will be an update. From time to time.

  4. My frist time reading this, and I really liked it! ^.^
    I like the way the stroyline is told and presented. :)
    Can't wait for more! LD

  5. Yay for a Johnny update!

    Clayton looks very good as a ginger. It suits him much better than pink or black. Or pink and black!

    Catherine should make a very good narrator. She's had it rough and it will be interesting to see how her childhood experiences color her simworld view.

  6. Hi Drew, welcome to the blog. Hope you continue to find it entertaining.

    Hey Chrysame! I wanted to see how Johnny's baby with Shannon would work out. Shannon usually has very pretty babies with a Grant. And Catherine needed to be a teen like her cousin.

    So they came back. Probably rare updates but they will be around.

  7. My favorite Grant babies in one of my games came from Sam and Shannon. I still remember their names...Mason and Emmanual. Such handsome, fun lads.

    I always regret not uploading Mason.

  8. I remember Mason and Emmanual. The brothers married a Tomasi girl each, and did very well by their wives. And they were a handsome pair indeed.

  9. Just started reading this, very interesting so far, can't wait to read mroe.

  10. Hi Dreamerz, I'm glad you like it. It's one of several Sims blogs so they have to share my time and attention. :) There will be updates sometime.
