Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sims with sims war not, joy delights in joy

Hi Dad,

Tell Shannon that withholding cookies until a letter arrives is blackmail! Positively blackmail. And it works too. So the box of cookies should be sent soon, please? We could all starve if the cookies don't arrive.

Things are going well enough. The school does insist that we do a few things beyond art, like maths and history. Everyone complains when we do them but I have a feeling that knowing things beyond art is a good idea. How else will I know if an agent rips me off if I don't know enough about money?

I've moved to a different art class. I don't think you'd like our teacher, he insists that all great artists are at least slightly mad. I'm pretty sure that you're not mad, and from what you've said about granddad, he wasn't either.

In music, I'm doing well on guitar and keyboard but not so well on drums or bass. So if you haven't gotten a band together by the time I get home, well, you'll just have to be my bass man.

Wow, so much stuff happening at home. There's a new pet store? And you bought a bird because you just fell in love with it?

I can't wait to meet Green Hornet. He sounds pretty cool and he is very handsome in that picture you sent. Does he talk yet?

I'm so jealous that there's a ice cream van in town now. I can't image how many summer evenings would have been even better with ice cream.

So I'm sending a few simoleons to give to Mason. Tell him to enjoy an ice cream from his big sister, won't you?

You adopted a cat too?  He's a bit hyper but doesn't destroy stuff. Hyper might not be good if he runs around too much, but I guess you know what you're doing. I can see why you called him Mittens, with those four white paws.

Shannon tells me that she's not impressed that you still panic when a baby is due. It's your third time around after all and she has to do all the hard work.

She didn't even trust you to drive, you were in such a state.

The result is that I have a little sister and you've named her Dixie? I'm glad that everything went smoothly and Shannon and Dixie are both fine.

I used the picture you sent as inspiration in painting class. About half the girls were very excited by the ideas of babies and half thought babies were icky things. The boys universally thought that babies are icky things.

That's a new bird, a new cat and a new baby all in the space of a week? Wow, Dad, were you thinking at all? Maybe I was wrong, you are mad. Just teasing. At any rate, it sounds like you are going to be very busy with the baby and pets.

Give my love to everyone, I hope I can make it home soon.


Technical note: Cat did ring home with the message about 'Great Artists are Mad'. It was the first time we've heard from her since she left.

The return of Sir Bricks-a-lot. I hate to think how many of these my Sims 2 made with the toy bench, trying to improve their skills. I laughed to see him.


  1. Welcome, Dixie! I can't wait to see your genetics.

    It looks like you're enjoying Pets, PiB! Woot!!

  2. Hey Chrysame,

    Yep, I wanna see Dixie's genetics too. I just hope it's mostly Shannon since she's so pretty.

    :) Pets installed and is working fine - except fluffy pets look chunky but as far as I can tell, that happens to a lot of people.

  3. For the record, gossip from around the hood.

    Avanis's Jericho Seastrider married Lily Darkshore - potential for interesting offspring there.

    There is a copy of the Brad/Em family in this hood. So far, James is romantically linked with Leonardo and now Abbey has just started dating the youngest of Thomas Leman's boys Bob. There seems to be something about Kane and Leman matchups.

  4. Teehee, cookie bribery!! Here's hoping the box of cookies is sent as promised xD

    I can't wait for Cat to finish boarding school, however much I adore this style of writing home update you have going on. I really want to see her grown up! And obviously I want to see what Mason and Dixie will look like too :)

  5. @callie, of course Shannon will send cookies as promised. Shannon is an infinitely better mom than Cat's mom ever was.

    Yeah, I'm looking forward to Cat getting home too. I think we only have a few more days to go.

    Mason is a clone of his daddy/granddaddy. We have to wait and see about Dixie.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Another adorable and lovely letter from Cat. I like that ice cream van -- so cute! Wow, new pets and a baby -- hmm, those surely will make them busy ;)

    Hehehehe -- I am sure they are not mad.

  7. Yes, the family was kept very busy for awhile. I've decided that never again have a puppy in a house with a baby/toddler. Pups need too much attention.

    They did make it in the end. :)

  8. Awww, the family's now inundated with pets! A little sad for Cat that she doesn't get to meet any of them right away, but it sounds like she's doing well at her school, despite having to actually do math and such. Poor thing, lol.

    Awww, Dixie--sweet name for a sweet new baby sister! lol @ Sam for still freaking out... Honestly, when will sims ever learn not to panic at every little thing?! You'd think having the brave trait would change that, but nooo...

    I had the SAME reaction to seeing Sir Bricks A Lot again, too!! My fam in Sims 2 ran a toy business and that was their main sell... I played with way too darn many of those, lol!

    So much sweetness, hehe. <3

    1. Yes, pets kind of invaded this save. And you'll find out, Cat never gets a chance to meet the bird. But at least she is doing fine at school

      Glad you like Dixie and her name. You kind of misspelt Johnny though. :) Any Sim not having the baby does tend to freak out if someone around is having a baby.

      The Bricks a lot - I loved in Sims 2 when they 'taught' it tricks. Like play dead. Bricks play dead so well.

      Thanks so much - hugs and love Kalkins!
